Tokyo Center for Economic Research

Announcemen for the 26th TCER Macro Conference

Dear All,

The 26th TCER Macro Conference will be held at Keio University on
November 16th (Saturday) and 17th (Sunday), 2024.

Date and Time:
Saturday, 16th November 2024, 12:55 – 18:00 (Registration starts at 12:15)
Sunday, 17th November 2024, 9:30 -16:05 (Registration starts at 9:00)


Registration Form:

Deadline: Sunday, 10th November, 12:00 p.m. (Japan Time)
Participation for only one day is also possible.

We look forward to your participation.

The 26th TCER Macro Conference Secretariat

08. November 2024


Dear All:

As you may know, the Macro Conference has been held once a year since 1999. The ​20th Macro Conference will be held at Hitotsubashi University ​(Mercury Hall, which is located on the 7th floor of Mercury Hall at the university’s Kunitachi Campus), on Saturday-Sunday, November 17-1​8, 201​8​.

The financial sponsors are the Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER), the Institute of Social and Economic Research of Osaka University, Faculty of Economics, Keio University, Center for Advanced Research in Finance, University of Tokyo, and Research Center for Economic and Social Risks, Hitotsubashi University.

​You will find the list of the members of the ​organizing committee ​below.

DEADLINE: If you are interested in submitting a paper to this conference, please send your paper by email as an attached ​ ​file to the four program committee members shown below simultaneously by

Sunday, September 16​, 201​8(Japan time).

Full papers are preferred but a 10-page abstract is also acceptable. However, please send your full paper to the ​fourprogram committee members and to the designated discussant by ​Friday, ​November 2, 201​8(Japan time).

Also, please suggest two individuals as designated discussants, but it is not necessary to contact them in advance.

​There is no specific theme for the conference; however, we would especially welcome studies (theoretical or empirical) that try to address issues that the Japanese economy faces.
In the selection process, if two papers are deemed almost equal in terms of their quality, priority will be given to young researchers and graduate students.
Your paper, the presentation file, and the presentation itself, can be either in English or Japanese. But please understand that we intend to give the audience the right to ask questions or make comments in Japanese (one of us will translate them for you, if necessary).

We will inform you of our decision around S​aturday, October ​13​, 2018​.

We will pay the travel and lodging expenses of all paper presenters, designated discussants, and chairpersons. However, we may not be able to pay for the travel expenses of those coming from abroad.

We look forward to receiving many interesting submissions.

Please forward this message to any professors, researchers, graduate students, friends, acquaintances, etc., who may be interested.

Finally, we are using several mailing lists to send this announcement so please forgive us if you receive this message more than once.

With best wishes,

Program Committee (to which submissions should be sent)
​Masaya Sakuragawa (Keio University)
Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
​Takayuki Tsuruga (Osaka University)
Tsutomu Watanabe (University of Tokyo) ​
(Please send your paper to all four of us, simultaneously.)

​Local Organizing Committee
Etsuro Shioji and Ryo Jinnai (Hitotsubashi University)​

08. July 2018

[News] CALL FOR PAPERS: JJIE special issue titled “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan”

The Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (JJIE) plans to publish a special issue on “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan” in 2018. The journal invites researchers to submit their original works related to “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan”. We welcome works which discuss how unique Japan’s unconventional monetary policy is. Possible topics include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

– Assessing the macroeconomic effects of Japan’s quantitative monetary easing
– Price dynamics under unprecedented monetary expansion in Japan
– The role of expectations in Japan’s monetary policy
– The transmission channels of Japan’s monetary easing
– Negative interest rate policy in Japan
– Conducting Japan’s unconventional monetary policy in times of uncertainty
– The role of forward guidance in Japan’s monetary policy
– Relationships between Japan’s monetary policy and international financial markets
– Comparison of unconventional monetary policy across countries
– Japan’s unconventional monetary policy with huge fiscal deficits
– Yield Curve Control Policy in Japan
– Distributional consequences of Japan’s Unconventional Monetary Policies
– Exit Strategies from Japan’s Unconventional Monetary Policies
– Various approaches to evaluate Japan’s unconventional monetary policy

Those who are interested in publishing their works in JJIE should submit a preliminary draft or an extended abstract in WORD or PDF format via email to and by September 1, 2017. We will make the first selection based on the submission. Authors of selected papers will be notified by September 30, 2017 and be requested to submit their complete paper by March 10, 2018.

Complete papers will be considered – via a fast track review process – for a JJIE special issue titled “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan,” which is scheduled to be published in December 2018. Co-editors of the special issue are Shin-ichi Fukuda (University of Tokyo) and Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University).

For enquiries, please send emails to and

06. April 2017

[News] Call For Papers, 18th Annual TCER Macro Conference

We are pleased to inform you that the 18th TCER Macro Conference will be held at Hotel Hankyu Expo Park (Suita, Osaka Prefecture) on Saturday-Sunday, November 26-27, 2016. If you are interested in submitting a paper to the conference, please send your paper by email as an attached file to all the four program committee members shown below. There will be no particular topic for this conference, and any macroeconomics-related paper will be welcome, whether it is theoretical or empirical.

The conference will receive financial supports this year from:
The Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER),
The Institute of Social and Economic Research of Osaka University,
Faculty of Economics, Keio University,
Center for Advanced Research in Finance, University of Tokyo,
Research Center for Economic and Social Risks, Hitotsubashi University.

The deadline of submission is Sunday, September 18, 2016 (Japan time). A full paper is preferred but a 10-page abstract is also acceptable. Also, please suggest two individuals as designated discussants, although it is not necessary to contact them in advance. In either case, please make sure to send your full paper to the four program committee members and to the designated discussant by Sunday, October 30, 2016 (Japan time). We will inform you of our decision on or around Sunday, October 9, 2016.

We will pay the travel and lodging expenses of all paper presenters, designated discussants, and chairpersons. However, we may not be able to pay for the travel expenses of those coming from abroad.

We look forward to receiving many interesting submissions.

With best wishes,

Co-Sponsors/Organizing Committee
Naohito Abe (Hitotsubashi University)
Yoshiyasu Ono (Osaka University)
Masaya Sakuragawa (Keio University)
Tsutomu Watanabe (University of Tokyo)

Program Committee Members (to whom submissions should be sent)
Kosuke Aoki (University of Tokyo)
Kazuo Ogawa (Osaka University)
Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
Yuki Teranishi (Keio University)

25. May 2016


We are pleased to inform you that the 17th TCER Macro Conference will be held at the Mercury Tower on Hitotsubashi University’s Kunitachi Campus on Saturday-Sunday, November 7-8, 2015. If you are interested in submitting a paper to the conference, please send your paper by email as an attached file to all the four program committee members shown below. There will be no particular topic for this conference, and any macroeconomics-related paper will be welcome, whether it is theoretical or empirical.

The conference will receive financial supports this year from:
The Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER),
Faculty of Economics, Keio University,
The UTokyo Price Project,
Research Center for Economic and Social Risks, Hitotsubashi University,
The Institute of Social and Economic Research of Osaka University.

The deadline of submission is Sunday, August 2, 2015 (Japan time). Full papers are preferred but a 10-page abstract is also acceptable. Also, please suggest two individuals as designated discussants, although it is not necessary to contact them in advance. In either case, please make sure to send your full paper to the four program committee members and to the designated discussant by Sunday, October 4, 2015 (Japan time). We will inform you of our decision on or around Sunday, September 6, 2015.

We will pay the travel and lodging expenses of all paper presenters, designated discussants, and chairpersons. However, we may not be able to pay for the travel expenses of those coming from abroad.

We look forward to receiving many interesting submissions.

With best wishes,

Co-Sponsors/Organizing Committee
Naohito Abe (Hitotsubashi University)
Yoshiyasu Ono (Osaka University)
Masaya Sakuragawa (Keio University)
Tsutomu Watanabe (University of Tokyo)

Program Committee Members (to whom submissions should be sent)
Kosuke Aoki (University of Tokyo)
Kazuo Ogawa (Osaka University)
Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
Yuki Teranishi (Keio University)

12. June 2015

[News] Call for Papers: East Asian Game Theory Conference 2015 (EAGT2015)

We are pleased to inform you the paper call of East Asian Game Theory Conference 2015 (EAGT2015) as follows.

East Asian Game Theory Conference 2015 (EAGT2015)
Place: Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Dates: August 24-26, 2015
Website for the conference:

Please find the details for paper submission at the website.

Important Dates:
May 20: Deadline for abstract submission.
June 5: You are informed whether your paper has been accepted.
June 15: Preliminary program is available.
July 1: Deadline for regular registration.
July 31: Deadline for late registration.
August 24-26: Conference.

Hope to see many participants there!

13. April 2015


We are pleased to inform you that the 16th Macro Conference will be held at Keio University’s Mita Campus on Saturday-Sunday, November 29-30, 2014. If you are interested in submitting a paper to the conference, please send your paper by email as an attached file to all the four program committee members shown below. There will be no particular topic for this conference, and any macroeconomics-related paper will be welcome, whether it is theoretical or empirical.

The conference will receive financial supports this year from the Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER), Faculty of Economics, Keio University, the UTokyo Price Project, Research Center for Economic and Social Risks, Hitotsubashi University, Research Grant: “Japan’s international adjustments under the aging and population decline”, and the Institute of Social and Economic Research of Osaka University.

The deadline of submission is Sunday, August 31, 2014 (Japan time). Full papers are preferred but a 10-page abstract is also acceptable. Also, please suggest two individuals as designated discussants, although it is not necessary to contact them in advance. In either case, please make sure to send your full paper to the four program committee members and to the designated discussant by Friday, October 31, 2014 (Japan time). We will inform you of our decision on or around Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

We will pay the travel and lodging expenses of all paper presenters, designated discussants, and chairpersons. However, we may not be able to pay for the travel expenses of those coming from abroad.

We look forward to receiving many interesting submissions.

With best wishes,

Co-Sponsors/Organizing Committee
Naohito Abe, Tokuo Iwaisako (Hitotsubashi University)
Yoshiyasu Ono (Osaka University)
Masaya Sakuragawa (Keio University)
Tsutomu Watanabe (University of Tokyo)

Program Committee (to which submissions should be sent)
Kosuke Aoki (University of Tokyo)
Kazuo Ogawa (Osaka University)
Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
Yasuo Hirose (Keio University)
(Please send your paper to all four of us, simultaneously.)

20. June 2014

[News] Call for papers: Unconventional Policy and Emerging Economies

TCER (Tokyo Center of Economic Research) and Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETOR) plan to have a conference on “The Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Emerging Economies”. As the theme shows, our main interest is to see what impacts recent unconventional monetary expansion in developed countries had on various emerging economies. We accept any paper that analyzes the related topics. The conference will be held at the University of Tokyo in March 2015. If you are interested in contributing a paper for the conference, send your first draft to by the end of November 2014.

A special issue of the Developing Economies (DE) on the conference theme will be published under the Guest Editorship. Authors whose papers are presented at the conference are supposed to submit their papers to the DE special issue. Papers submitted for this special issue will undergo the normal journal reviewing process.

DE is an academic journal published by WILEY-BLACKWELL and has ISI impact factor. Its details are available at

April 21, 2014
Shin-ichi Fukuda, Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Etsuro Shioji, Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Japan

20. April 2014