[News] CALL FOR PAPERS: JJIE special issue titled “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan”
The Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (JJIE) plans to publish a special issue on “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan” in 2018. The journal invites researchers to submit their original works related to “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan”. We welcome works which discuss how unique Japan’s unconventional monetary policy is. Possible topics include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
– Assessing the macroeconomic effects of Japan’s quantitative monetary easing
– Price dynamics under unprecedented monetary expansion in Japan
– The role of expectations in Japan’s monetary policy
– The transmission channels of Japan’s monetary easing
– Negative interest rate policy in Japan
– Conducting Japan’s unconventional monetary policy in times of uncertainty
– The role of forward guidance in Japan’s monetary policy
– Relationships between Japan’s monetary policy and international financial markets
– Comparison of unconventional monetary policy across countries
– Japan’s unconventional monetary policy with huge fiscal deficits
– Yield Curve Control Policy in Japan
– Distributional consequences of Japan’s Unconventional Monetary Policies
– Exit Strategies from Japan’s Unconventional Monetary Policies
– Various approaches to evaluate Japan’s unconventional monetary policy
Those who are interested in publishing their works in JJIE should submit a preliminary draft or an extended abstract in WORD or PDF format via email to sfukuda@e.u-tokyo.ac.jp and shioji@econ.hit-u.ac.jp by September 1, 2017. We will make the first selection based on the submission. Authors of selected papers will be notified by September 30, 2017 and be requested to submit their complete paper by March 10, 2018.
Complete papers will be considered – via a fast track review process – for a JJIE special issue titled “Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan,” which is scheduled to be published in December 2018. Co-editors of the special issue are Shin-ichi Fukuda (University of Tokyo) and Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University).
For enquiries, please send emails to sfukuda@e.u-tokyo.ac.jp and shioji@econ.hit-u.ac.jp
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